There I sit, in front of my newly purchased iMac, looking at these photos on a very big screen… On first looks I love them, but the longer I look, the more I’m starting to dislike them. There’s something that keeps bothering me… In fact, it kept me from posting these images for way too long. If I would tell you, which I will in a little bit, you might say “no biggie,” but for me, it is a biggie much. Ever since I can remember looking at myself, that’s all I can see. For a little bit I thought, let’s just retouch it. Not because of you, nor to make things seem “perfect”, but for myself, to make me feel better. I mean, you know I never really intend to make things look “better”, slimmer, or taller than they are. What you see it the real me. Good or bad, but in the last case, then usually with a pair of sunglasses on. I HATE it, and it runs in the family, so I’m just screwed I guess. And of course, there’s a ton of doctors in New York who could potentially help me make it “better”...